Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Our life at home

Time has slipped away since the last blog posting, but I want to take time to reflect and document our days. I love spending time at home with Peyton and Avery; this is time I won't ever have back. I am so appreciative of our simple, quiet days.

An update on both kids:
Earlier this week, Avery weighed in at 10 pounds, 8 ounces. She is gaining weight and growing steadily but is still on the low end of the premie chart (6th percentile for weight and 20th percentile for length at her 4-month check-up). Most importantly, she has bloomed at home! She is very social and loves smiling and cooing at Mommy, Daddy and Peyton. She studies books carefully and, last night, was chuckling during the bedtime reading of  Green Eggs and Ham. The sight of my two cuties nestled by each other's side for night-night books is too precious! Avery is becoming stronger and (finally) tolerating tummy time for longer stretches (she actually rolled from tummy to back at 11 weeks out of sheer disgust with tummy time :) ). She is rocking her occupational and physical therapy appointments. We have been doing OT since late January (I think) and just started PT last week. Avery is a cat napper during the day, unlike her big brother who was a professional daytime napper. Happily, she has slept through the night since four months, though she still insists on sleeping in her swing at night. We have met some great families and kiddos through the Dallas Down Syndrome Guild, and the support has been awesome. We will start Mommy and Me class next week (with big brother in tow) and look forward to attending other Guild events in April.

Peyton has grown so much socially and verbally in 2012. He has recently taken interest in Dinosaurs, aquatic life (especially sharks and dolphins), ice hockey and serious lego building. Peyton is still an avid reader but can't wait to "get bigger to know the words" aka actually read books independently. He continues to love most sports (football, baseball, basketball, golf and tennis), animals (horses, giraffes, dogs, cats, zebras, cows, sheep), endless vehicles (planes, trains and automobiles AND.....tractors, cranes, diggers) and puzzles. Peyton is my little puzzle master - he can complete a mean puzzle on his own, which has come in handy during baby feedings. He also says grace before each meal and knows how to make a sign of the cross. We've visited Abott Park frequently, as it's been one of the only (public) places we can take Avery thus far,

Our life in pictures (December 2011 through March 2012; must find my Christmas photos!)...