Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A happy homecoming

We love having our sweet Avery at home, and are adjusting nicely to life as a family of four. Peyton is smitten; he adores his baby sister and enjoys holding her. I often find him leaning over Avery's bouncer to sneak a sweet glance and pat her head, and it melts my heart. Feedings continue to occupy much of our day, but at least we are in our home environment! We are monitoring her for possible aspiration and have been advised to consider a swallow test at Children's. It's quite common for premies to have difficulty in coordinating the suck-swallow-breathe demands of feeding so hopefully this is just the case.

On Monday, Avery had a successful first post-hospital visit with our pediatrician. He is pleased with her weight gain and overall health. I did have flashbacks of trying to be punctual to Peyton's first pediatric visit just a few days following our discharge. Even without new mom anxiety, getting out of the house at a scheduled time is a beast.

"Hut, hut, hike" in action

Peyton loves his baby sister

Caught checking out Avery in her swing. "Baby play football with me?"

Avery in her crib.

New "cheese" face

And the four-legged kids...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Coming home

It looks like Avery will be discharged tomorrow, one day shy of my original c-section date (39 weeks). We are thrilled to bring her home!!

Pretty baby snuggling with her lambie.

For those of you who have asked... a photo of Avery's mobile that Paul installed into the ceiling.

Peyton in his absolute favorite shirt.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving week

A quick update on Miss Avery since sleep deprivation has set in, and I've neglected the blog recently:
Avery is completing 70-85% of her feeds, primarily by bottle, and she weighs 5 pounds 9 ounces. She has lovely full cheeks, and her little body is filling out. Yesterday she outgrew the teeny ID band that had graced her wrist since birth, and one was replaced on her ankle. She has quite the fan club here at the hospital and the nurses look forward to peeking in on her outfits...our budding fashionista! We are still trying to work out nursing kinks, and I am hopeful that she will progress in that area.

We are blessed with a healthy baby and dear family and friends in our lives. This week and always, we have much for which to be thankful. Happy Thangiving!


A duo photo attempt

Avery with Aunt Steph and Uncle Sean

Avery with grandma (Cunningham)

Quite a bit of hair for a preemie

Lovely in lavender

Go Ponies!

Cheese face

Running the bases at baseball class

Listening to Coach

An action shot

Throwing to Daddy

Friday, November 11, 2011

Big girl accomplishments on "Corduroy Appreciation Day"

November 11 brought two milestones: Avery's first time in a bouncer to help alleviate some post-feeding tummy troubles and a flat bassinet. Mommy is slightly concerned about the latter, but hopefully today's gastro issues were just a fluke.

And Avery is now just shy of a pound more than her birth weight, weighing in at an impressive 4 pounds 12 ounces! We have cheeks and a round chin emerging!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A big gain

Avery had her largest weight gain yet the night of November 4th, so her current weight (as of Nov. 5) is 4 pounds, 5 ounces. We started the 26-calorie fortifier this past afternoon so that should help boost her weight in the coming days.

I found a package of girly soothie pacifiers, and Avery has taken to them nicely since they match her little outfits. Today she wore her monogrammed pink polka-dot onesie thanks to Jenn S! She also debuted her hot pink flower headband, which I added around her hat since the band is way big.

I spent last night (Friday) at home, and was able to get a few hours of sleep. Peyton had a fantastic baseball class the following morning; he and his classmates actually simulated a game for the first time. He did a great job hitting (his favorite part) and has a keen eye in the outfield. We just need to work on running the actual bases instead of making his own loop, sometimes with a pit stop at mommy. I should have taken some pictures but was busy chatting with other moms. Next time...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Four pound milestone

Avery reached four pounds the night of November 30, which was a big milestone. Though her weight has been inching up following her birth, four pounds is pretty significant. After a meager loss of just 10 grams yesterday, this evening she again topped the scales at just more than four!

She continues to learn to feed with the help of the lactaction team and will be learning how to take a bottle from an on-staff occupational therapist beginning Thursday. The nurses will then offer her a bottle if I am away for a feeding and then deduct the amount she takes from her gavage (tube) feeding. That's what we're doing with nursing, too. It should take a few weeks to get a hang of big girl eating before the feeding tube is removed.

On another note, Peyton had a great Halloween as a dalmatian. We attended his school Halloween parade and took him trick or treating in our neighborhood that evening. He had so much fun that he asked to go to "one more house, please" when we looped back around to our house to end the festivities. So of course, I couldn't turn down his polite requeset. Too cute!

My dalmatian and little spider:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 29: Avery is eight days old

Miss Avery Leigh was moved to the Special Care Nursery in the Jackson Building last night. We are settling in nicely! Mommy has an even more demanding schedule since we are learning to feed but the environment is a bit more laid back than in the NICU, and she has her own room with a convertible couch. I will be staying through the weekend, likely sleeping at home Sunday night. I'll probably stay here for a few days straight and then come home for a night to spend some time at home with my guys. I can't wait to go trick or treating with my little dalmation (aka  the"fire truck dog" as Peyton  calls his costume)!

Avery's nurse helped us introduce Peyton to his new baby sister. Paul held him a few feet away from the nurse and Avery so Peyton could see her for the very first time. He was very sweet and told her about the digger tractor that she had "bought" him for being a great big brother. It was a very emotional moment.

Avery had a few visitors in the NICU, mostly family, and had her very first Special Care visitor last night. I also had a chance to meet Holly's little girl born just six days after Avery (though she was six weeks ahead of us). The Special Care unit is more conducive to welcoming family and friends (adults only). She is on a pretty structured schedule so please text or call in advance, but we would love to introduce you to our baby girl.

Thanks to all who visited me in the hospital and for the outpouring of love, support, meals and prayers for baby Avery and our entire family. It means the world to us and is helping tremendously during this time.

A few photos from today...

Second day in clothes, and first time wearing a gown.

Cuddle time with mommy.

4:30am photo shoot - Avery taking her paci.

October 25 update: Avery is four days old

Baby Avery is doing great today! She is almost back at her birth
weight of 3 pounds, 13 ounces, and she came off phototherapy this morning. She was taken off the
c-pap ventilator on Sunday but still has her feeding tube and IVs. Her
fabulous neonatologist, Dr. Randel, says she is doing really well, and the nurses
call her a princess.

We are so in love with our beautiful munchin and can't wait to
introduce her to Peyton (he calls her "his baby.") I will be discharged tonight and
will visit her in the hospital 3-4 times per day until she is stepped
down into the special care nursery where I can stay in a room with

Thank you all for your amazing support and prayers. We feel the love
and are very grateful! It has taken a while to get out a longer update
as I've been pumping every 2 hours and walking between postpartum and
the NICU very frequently.

Here are some photos of our sweet little lady:

First bow-wearing experience in the NICU

Sun bathing for 24 hours

First family photo (missing big brother Peyton :(   )

Mommy and Avery enjoying kangaroo care time

Daddy and Avery

Friday, October 21, 2011

Welcome Avery Leigh Cunningham!

Born October 21, 1:18 pm
3 pounds, 13 ounces
16.5 inches

We give thanks for our beautiful baby girl!
Proud parents and big brother -
Candice, Paul and Peyton